3 Exercises To Reduce Tummy Fat

Is your unattractive protruding tummy irritating you? Numerous weight control plans and workouts are out there that guarantee tons of things, yet in the event that they have frustrated you, possibly what you require are exercises that helps to lessen tummy fat. Here are those 3 exercises.

1) Bike pumps

Rest on the floor flat on your back. We have a bend of the spine on our lower back that normally raises it a bit and almost does not touch the floor. Ensure you press your lower back to the ground. Put your hands over your head. Lift your left curved knee and your right elbow to touch it. Without bringing your lifted knee and arm down, likewise do elbow-to-knee touching on the other pair. Rehash these bike pumps 20 times before coming back to your initial position. This, together with two more exercises explained below, will decrease tummy fat. Let us move on to the next exercise.

2) Full circle twist of the body-trunk - the torso

Stand straight on the floor, feet separated, and hands on your hip. When you feel sufficiently stable, lift both hands and fasten them together over your head. Turn your face right without moving your legs, from this position you will curve down and sideward on your right side, going toward your foot, and bending till your body-trunk arcs in a circle that passes your left foot and finishes the bend with your hands lifted and fastened over your head again. You can begin from the right or lift as you like. Do 5 full circle body-trunk twists beginning on either side, then change sides.

3) Crunches

Crunches are essential and compelling. A few individuals skip crunches assuming that they are old-fashioned or hard to do, or both. Don't be same to them. Crunches focus on the surfeit fat gathered in your tummy area. Start by lying on the floor, looking up the roof. Ensure your knees are twisted, and that your feet rest flat on the floor. Keep your hands at ear level. Your lower back has a bend that renders it somewhat over the ground. Press your entire lower back till it touches the ground. Bend up till your shoulders are over the ground by some inches. Hold that posture for 5 seconds. Relax. Come back to initial position and rehash.

With these focused workouts, you are certain to diminish tummy fat quickly.

The author of this article has over 15 years of experience in market research of health & fitness.

Why wander a whole lot of sites to get the right information?

Please visit How Can I Burn Fat or http://healthguidanceforyou.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Latha_G

The Herbalife Weight Loss Method of Losing Tummy Fat

People say that some people are fat because they are born that way - that they come from a long line of overweight family members and that they can do nothing about their weight problem. However, most health experts now say that the concept of hereditary predisposition to being overweight is a simply not true.

There can perhaps be some argument that our basic body weight is genetically inherited, but not excess body weight, which is almost entirely dependent on what we eat and the exercise we do.

The exception is the aging process, which we cannot change. We put on weight as we age, leading to the middle age spread syndrome. Perhaps it is not the aging process which is to blame. It is the fact that we are not expending the calories we once did. We have to give up playing energetic sports after the age of forty, we now have a car whereas as kids we used to bike. Nevertheless, there are some strategies we can put in place to stop us eating more and exercising less.

One of the easiest ways is to take some weight reduction medications, and one of the most popular herbal medicines which claim to help you lose weight is the product known as Herbalife, which was founded in 1980 and has grown rapidly since then. It is a MLM company, relying on distributors to shift its products. The major criticisms of Herbalife concern the way it does business, rather than any fraudulent weight loss claims.

Herbalife products claim to contain the effective herbs in order to make losing tummy fat easier.

The major focus of the diet plan is to replace meals with a milkshake like solution known as formula 1, which comes in many flavours. This is one of the reasons for its success, in that the shakes are pleasant to taste and easy to drink.

Herbalife is certainly effective in losing weight, but cynics would suggest that cutting out meals and using an ordinary milkshake would achieve much the same result, at a much lower cost.

Some of the claims are a little unbelievable, such as the man who claims to have lost 405 pounds since using the product and I would suggest that to lose that amount of weight would have to involve some form of stomach stapling surgery.

One thing that strikes me about any weight loss supplement advertised on TV is that in tiny print on the bottom of the screen, if you are quick enough, you will read that the results shown are not average, and also that this diet plan should be used in conjunction with exercise.

My view is that if you substitute large meals with a drink of milk, and undertook some exercise you would get essentially the same outcome. If you substituted fruit and vegetables for the milkshake you would probably lose more.

The bottom line is that if you are contemplating using a Herbalife weight loss product in your diet, do some research and see if you could not achieve the same loss of tummy fat through some other means not involving extra costs.

Peter Phillips is an internet entrepreneur living in Canberra, Australia

Go here for more articles on losing tummy fat [http://www.money-makingopportunities.com/Health_Articles/].

For another dietary plan, go to Atkins Diet Product [http://www.atkinsdietproduct.com/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Phillips

No More Exercises to Reduce Tummy Fat - A Better Way

Exercises to reduce tummy fat fast don't have to be torture sessions where you wonder if you're going to live through it! For centuries Asian women have mastered being able to get a flat stomach and skinny waist without starving themselves and without long workouts. Let's take a look at just one of their methods and how you can use it to get the body of your dreams faster than you think.

No More Exercises to Reduce Tummy Fat - A Better Way

Let's just get this right out of the way now: You will NOT be doing any sit-ups or crunches, I promise.:)

I can't remember ever seeing my Chinese Mother or Grandmother ever lying on the floor trying to touch their elbows to their knees...instead they would do simpler techniques to maintain their size-2 tiny waists.

One of these ways is found right in your bathtub...

The Magic Properties and an Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salts are named for the mineral rich waters of a village in England called "Epsom", where they were known at least as far back as Shakespeare's day. The salts were quickly found to be effective for treating the aches and pains our bodies often go through, along with removing toxins from our system which then resulted in weight loss!

Toxins can take many forms, including certain fat compounds, and if they are blocked or not being released for whatever reason they will accumulate into a topical layer of fat that many people call cellulite.

The reason Asian women take Epsom salt baths is because when combined with hot water the salt can draw toxins out of the body at a tremendous rate. This works by hot water infused with Epsom slat bringing toxins out of the body to the skin surface, while the water cools it and then washes it away.

When Epsom salt is absorbed through the skin in a bath it also sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles, is a natural emollient, exfoliate, and much more!

Below is the actual Epsom salt Detox bath recipe that all the Women in my family have used forever:

- 1 x Cup Epsom salts

- A handful of sea salt

- 2 x Tablespoons of bath oil

Be sure to pour all of the ingredients into the tub while the tub is filling up because Epsom salt gets lumpy when exposed to wet bathroom air. For a typical bathtub use about 1 cup of salt.

Soak for 20 minutes or so, and let your mind relax and unwind.

The Bottom Line is You Must Take Action

I hear a lot of people telling me they're sick of the latest diet programs on the market these days, where you're either STARVING or trying to live through BRUTAL workouts to drop weight. Instead...

...download and read my newest FREE eBook to quickly learn a simple but powerful technique that Asian women have been using forever to get skinny fast without suffering. Let me teach you another technique how to reduce tummy fat fast in just a few minutes a day even while relaxing in front of the TV!

I'm limiting this free eBook to the FIRST 100 PEOPLE ONLY, after that it will be priced at the usual cost of $19.95.

Take advantage of this free launch offer while there is still time by clicking the link and downloading it NOW: http://www.skinnyasiandiet.com/free-book.htm

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Catherine_Cheng

Weight Loss - Could Your Belly Fat Be Smoker's Belly?

If you smoke and carry weight around your middle, that belly fat could be smoker's belly! Most people have never heard of 'smoker's belly' but studies have been done in the past more than once that explain why you're on the thin side (or fat side) and have a protruding stomach.

Smokers usually weigh less than nonsmokers but not all smokers are slim either. And even though smokers weigh less than nonsmokers they tend to have more belly fat. One of the studies that was done in England of 21,800 British men and women reported that even though smokers have a lower BMI (Body Mass Index) they have more belly fat.

And compared to people who have never smoked, smokers had the smallest waist to hip ratio than current smokers. And the more cigarettes that are smoked the larger the belly. So if you start smoking even more cigarettes it means you will continue to increase the size of your belly. When current smokers were compared to former smokers or people who have never smoked, the smokers had bigger waist measurements and smaller hip measurements.

This research suggests that smoking may lead to belly fat if you don't have any now and lead to more belly fat if you do have it now and also a reduction of lean muscle mass.

Even though smokers usually weigh less than nonsmokers do, not all smokers are slim, of course. When smokers start putting on the weight or fat they are more likely than nonsmokers to deposit it around the belly and this is verified in another study.

It's still not known why smokers tend to accumulate more belly fat than nonsmokers do. But some researchers make a guess that smokers might be more likely to eat foods that are high in saturated fat than non-smokers but this has not been proven. Why the body tends to distribute the weight to the mid-section is yet to be discovered. Perhaps the chemicals in the cigarettes or tobacco influence the hormone levels.

What can you do about it if you have a fat belly? Quitting smoking is the first thing you want to do. When you quit smoking the body will adjust and slowly you'll lose the belly fat provided you're not taking in extra calories. Combine this with a weight loss program or weight loss plan or diet that you devise and you will lose weight and get rid of belly fat fast. You waist line will shrink and you will lose inches that have been around for a long time.

For more info on weight loss, losing weight, belly fat loss and weight loss diets [http://www.Best-Weight-Loss-Secrets.com] go to my nurse's website [http://www.Best-Weight-Loss-Secrets.com] for the best dieting tips, natural diets, advice, help and FREE info on weight loss pills, diet pills, surgery and weight loss programs [http://www.Best-Weight-Loss-Secrets.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Helen_Hecker

The Benefits of Losing Tummy Fat

Having too much weight on your tummy is not only uncomfortable, but it is also dangerous to your health, although belly fat is natural. It's main purpose is to actually protect the vital internal organs. To lose belly fat, is to defy nature, and this is why it is so difficult to achieve. But, you can do it, if you stay focused and work hard. Once the tummy fat is gone, you will feel like a new person. You will not spend hours in the store just trying to find something to wear that will hide your fat, or something that just simply fits you. You will be able to find something that will make you feel younger, something you can be comfortable in, your clothes will look amazing on you, and everything you try on will fit and look great! So, you will spend more time trying to figure out which outfit you like the most, because everything will fit you! You will also have a lot more energy, and you will want to be around people that you were uncomfortable with when you were heavy. Your self-esteem will rise, and your overall health will increase. People will see you as someone who is motivated, and you will feel like doing the things that you were not able to do when you were heavy.


Belly fat is a huge problem for a lot of people. It is usually a very stubborn type of fat. Many women accumulate belly fat after having children or during menopause. Losing weight becomes harder as a person ages, because they become less active as they get older. This just adds to the problems.


Men are more likely to have more belly fat then women. This is due to sex hormone differences. This fat is known as central obesity, the pot belly, or the beer belly. In this case, the abdomen protrudes excessively.


How they feel about their appearance is important, since body image can be such a big part of self-esteem during the teen years. Teenagers have a big advantage over adults because they are more energetic and have a faster metabolism. Weight loss is relatively easy for teenagers as long as a healthy diet is followed and regular exercise is taken. It is important that you avoid gimmicks and pills when you try to lose weight. You need to make a lifestyle change and eat a healthy diet along with exercise.

Young children

Many kids are spending too much time in front of the tv, computer, or video game consoles and less time playing outside and getting exercise. From fast food to electronics, quick and easy has become the reality for many people in this day and age. Children that are overweight have an increased risk of being overweight as adults. To overcome childhood obesity, we should feed our children healthy home cooked meals, and increase their activity by putting them in programs that encourage them to want to be active.


This also has a big effect on the person's self esteem that is carrying around all that weight. Depression usually sets in as a result of being overweight. It can make you feel tired all the time, and it can make your knees hurt. Everything in your body is out of balance. It can cause a person to feel like people don't like them, or that there is something wrong with them. People who are over-weight may also have a hard time finding clothes that fit them and feel that they don't look the way they want to. The person can even get to where they hate their own reflection in the mirror. As you can see, excess weight gain does not discriminate, and it can attack anyone from men, women, teenagers and even young children.


Losing tummy fat can have an amazing effect on the way you feel and look. It will make you look in the mirror and be impressed! You will feel good about yourself, and you will feel like doing more things like walking and being around people again. If you work hard enough at this or get on the right program, you could even end up with what is called six pack abs. You will feel good about yourself if you learn how 2 get abs and keep them.

Losing weight [http://www.how2getabs.net] is certainly worth the efforts. The rewards are not only a better looking and fit body, but also improved long term health. So what are you waiting for? Learn how 2 get abs [http://www.how2getabs.net] and feel great! Live a more energetic and and healthier life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sharon_Pepperman

Aerobic Exercises - The Best Way to Lose Abdominal Fat

Everyone who has his or her midsection covered in fat dreams about a perfectly shaped body and a flat abdomen. Belly is very visible and it affects your entire body shape, so find out what makes fat accumulate in that area and do something in order to get rid of it. One of the most effective ways of burning abdominal fat is by practicing aerobic exercises. Besides helping you lose some undesired weight, aerobics also have other advantages.

Aerobic exercises are great calorie burners and this is why they are so efficient in losing weight and getting rid of unwanted fat. Start doing them on a regular basis in order to see the results and the benefits they have on your overall health.

Aerobics keep you in shape and also make you forget the stress you accumulated during the day. It plays a big part in relaxing you after a hard day. The tension in your muscles is slowly released, so nothing sudden happens to your body. Practicing aerobics daily will create for you a welcomed routine and your life ill be more organized than before. Aerobics will also improve your mood, because when exercising your body releases endorphins, substance known to make you happy.

Practicing aerobics in order to eliminate your abdominal fat is far healthier than taking diet pills and it is more pleasant than practicing exhausting workouts. The results are not necessarily visible in a very short amount of time, but they are sure.

You can practice aerobics in your own home, as video tapes that teach you what to do are now available. You have no excuse in saying that the gym is to far away or that you don't like your trainer. You don't need a gym or a trainer. Determination and a video tape are enough. There are different aerobic techniques that you can put in practice if you just want to eliminate fat from on area of your body. Check them out and shape your body as you wish.

Exercising helps a lot in losing abdominal fat but you also have to be constant in practicing it, to eat healthy and to avoid processed foods, to make sure you drink enough water and to keep stress away.

You can combine aerobics with acai berry diet for optimal results. Acai berry, a fruit that grows in thee jungles of Amazon, is also called the "superfood". It does wonders in diets and it helps you look better in just a couple of weeks. The weight loss is based on the fact that it contains lots of fibers, so don't worry about any side effects. Before you realize it, your abdominal fat will be just a memory. Acai supplements can be purchased online so you can start taking them as soon as possible.

Check out these tips to Burn Belly Fat [http://weight-losing-guide.info/] faster with no bogus diet pills or useless "abdominizer" gadgets.

Good luck with your fitness goals - Click Here Now [http://weight-losing-guide.info/]!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jacky_Turner

Fat Loss Foods - 5 Steps To Homemade Protein Bars

One of the most important things to consider when selecting the right fat loss foods is convenience. You want to know exactly what you are eating and don't want to spend hours in the kitchen preparing it. I have the solution for you right here: Follow these 5 steps and you will be making your own homemade and customized protein bars in no time!

1. Protein Powder + Flour - First you will have to select your protein powder and flour. I prefer to use plain protein powder, as you can then flavour it to your own liking. When selecting the flour, be sure to pick one that can be eaten raw, such as coconut flour or almond flour. However, this is up to you.

2. Bind the Powder and Flour - You will be using milk as the binding agent. You again have a lot of choice when it comes to what kind of milk to use: Anything from regular cow's milk through to nut milks. The goal here is to end up with a dough-like consistency that can then be used to shape the bars using your hands.

3. Shape the Mixture - After you have achieved the right consistency, you can begin to shape the bars into whatever shape you desire. The key here is to not to let the mixture get either too dry or too wet. However, if the mixture does become too dry, add more milk, and if it becomes too wet, add more flour.

4. Add Chocolate - You will want to melt the chocolate beforehand and leave in a bowl. Simply dip your bar into the chocolate until it is completely covered. It is best to use dark chocolate here, as you will have the added health benefits of the antioxidants, but this is up to you also.

5. Place in Freezer - Put the protein bars in the freezer for a minimum of 30 minutes and they will be ready to go: That's it. I bet you see now how easy this is to make and why it is one of my favourite fat loss foods. From start to finish, you should be finished and eating well within an hour.

I strongly encourage you to try this recipe out for yourself. There are tons of variations that you can try out and experiment with until you find the protein bar that is perfect for you. Until next time, keep eating plenty of fat loss foods and keep active.

John Stamford is a personal trainer, nutritionist and an expert in everything relating to fat loss. Visit his website in order to discover "One Tip That May Be Preventing You From Losing Fat", plus receive free updates for life at:


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Stamford