Are you one of those people who struggle with understanding how to reduce face fat? If so, you know how maddening-and embarrassing-this struggle is. You constantly wonder what to do, or what's wrong with you. You have a lean body and whenever that little paunch on the tum-tum has begun forming you've quickly and easily prevented it.
How can you possibly be someone who never, ever worries about a Buddha belly, but doesn't know how to reduce face fat? How can you be so fit elsewhere on your anatomy but look so unattractive or goofy with your chipmunk face? Were you just born with "bad genes"? Should you just quit on your quest for finding out how to reduce facial fat?
You don't need to quit. You can learn how to reduce face fat. You're not some victim who was kicked in the face by Fate. What you've never understood before is simply this: face fat isn't the same fat as what piles up on those people with the Buddha bellies. Face fat is first and foremost created by skin cells retaining water. Just as "bad" cholesterol is stored first on the gut and second on the butt, so water retention most stubbornly shows on the face. This gives you the hated facial fat.
What this means for you is, the things that work to prevent big guts and fat butts don't work to reduce face fat. Some things work for both goals, but you have to do certain things to "target" your face. That's the secret of how to reduce face fat.
So. Having that knowledge, how do you apply it? Let's look at some important tips.
Do facial workouts. This strengthens the facial muscles so that in time the body "auto-magically" flushes out the unwanted water and fatty tissues there, revealing your true face. These workouts may include chewing sugarless gum for 15 minutes a couple times per day, doing closed-lips smiling exercises, or just massaging your face for 10 to 20 minutes per day to stimulate improved blood flow.
Make your diet healthier. You might be doing some things right but others wrong. Cut out the empty carbs and get more protein into you. It can come from seafood, lean red meat, poultry, pork, or eggs.
If you're one of those people who stay lean in the body without much exercise, start working out more. You're obviously not burning off enough fat, and the excess is getting stored in your face.
Now you know a few tips about how to reduce face fat. Want 1 "weird" formula that's guaranteed to get rid of chubby cheeks and Double chin in weeks? Then check out
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