If you are looking for the secrets to physical fitness and fat loss you have found it. In a commercialized nation we don't know what to believe, who to believe.
We are confused because every time you pick up a newspaper or buy a magazine you are bombarded with experts telling you different things and you are probably confused.
Well, I will give you a proven plan to build a high level of physical fitness and burn fat in just minutes a day.
The secret is to use your own body weight to train shorter, more intense than longer slower training. Body weight training will work more muscles at one time and this will cause the body to burn more fat.
Body weight Training, because it uses many muscles at one time and it takes a lot more energy will boost your metabolism and cause rapid fat loss.
Shorter more intense training sessions will build a high level of physical fitness that will amaze you. It's not easy and you will sweat. But if time is important to you this might be the way to go.
You can start with only a few minutes a day or you can do more than one training session a day. If you decide that you are running late and you don't have time to work out and you decide to do 30 seconds of push ups and 30 seconds of jumping jacks you have at least did something.
But, what if you had time to do this 3 to 5 times a day, would it change the way you think about the time you have.
Three to five times a day would only equal 3 to 5 minutes of workout time. You could manage that. What this does, is show you that you can find time to exercise and burn fat.
If you want a quick trick to eating less exercise for 1 minute before you eat and I promise you won't want to eat much.
Try this short workout:
Do 30 seconds of pushups as fast as possible, stand up and do 30 seconds of jumping jacks. If you have more time, rest for 30 seconds and repeat.
These short intense workouts will mega boost your metabolism and start to burn fat. Also remember if you want quick results keep your diet as natural as possible. And you will succeed.
John Grube B.C.S is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training He has over 25 years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual, The New Expanded version The Wildman Training Course and The Super Strength Playground Training Manual.For more info http://www.wildmantraining.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johnny_Grube