There are many exercise routines that you can opt for in your quest for a flat stomach. There are many exercises that you can choose from, either with machines or special equipment, or just a flat floor to lie on. The only things you need for all these exercise are determination and some motivation. As you would notice, some exercises not only work your abs, but also exercise other groups of muscles like in Pilates moves. In Pilates, every exercise will work the abdominal muscles even if the main focus were the legs or arms.
There are a few movements that are very simple and basic, and yet will be able to provide the results that you want. One of the first movements that you should know of is the basic crunch. The crunch is more advisable compared to sit-ups as the crunch will not put much strain on your back. How do you perform the crunch? You just need to lie on the floor, and raise your upper body a few inches off the ground. You will be able to feel the strain in your stomach muscles. The important thing to remember while doing this exercise is to remember to let your stomach lead, or do the exercise instead of your arms or head. Also make sure that everything is kept straight. Make sure you don't lift your head more than your back or shoulders.
Another movement you can try out is the side crunch. The side crunch works out your oblique or your love handles. This is basically the same as the crunch only that you're doing it while your body is slightly twisted to one side. To get a more detailed explanation on the crunch and the side crunch, try reading up on articles on stomach exercises which are available on the net, in books and magazines, and even on videos.
Besides working out your mid section and the sides of your stomach, you can also work on the whole stomach. This will give you a better flatter stomach as you're also including the upper and lower section of your stomach in your exercise routine. Again, there are many places where you can find exercise routines which will work out the whole stomach area. As you will be faced with many different options how do you decide which is the best for you? What you can do is to try out several exercises and then to decide which ones work for you. One exercise may be great for someone, but it might not necessarily be good for you too. Some exercises can be too strenuous for you and easy for some others. Again it will depend on the shape that the person is in. If you're a beginner, work your way slowly from the easy to the more difficult exercises. Once you get the hang of things and find that you can cope with the exercise routine, you can graduate to more complex movements and do a series of exercise in a session instead of just concentrating on one movement.
Although some exercise routines may work better than others, no exercise will show its benefits if it is not done correctly and religiously. You should decide on the best exercises that you are able to do and something that you can do for a certain period of time. Work on them and perform them regularly and you are well on your way to a flatter stomach. If an exercise requires too much time or use of special equipment or even if it is too complicated. You might not be able to stick to the routine for a long time. You will probably quit before you get your ideal tummy. Thus, make sure that you pick exercises that are suitable for you. And remember, getting a flat tummy is achievable. It will not happen overnight, but with time, patience and dedication, you will be sure that you will get that flat tummy that you've dreamed of.
If you're looking for more stomach exercises, please visit Juzaily Ramli and Tommy Lehmann's blog that provides free stomach exercises for all. Feel like losing some of that stomach fat but don't have the time to do it? See how you too can benefit from their page on stomach exercises for busy people.
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