It's A Bird, It's A Plane, No It's Superfoods!

These superfoods have amazing health benefits. Best of all, they are all easily accessible, relatively inexpensive, and very easy to prepare.


1. Berries

Blueberries especially, are packed with antioxidants. They prevent all kinds of disease and are known for creating age-defying skin. They have high amounts of vitamin C, E and B, and a ton of minerals. Strawberries and pomegranate also rate high. Buy frozen blueberries and mix into oatmeal, make sandwiches with PB or mix into pancake batter for a tasty Sunday morning breakfast. I find that small grocers sell berries really cheap when they are too ripe. I just bought 2 pints of strawberries for $1. They'll go in smoothies, muesli, and again, fruit sandwiches!

2. Beans, Peas and Pulses.

Low in fat, high in protein and fiber, beans, peas and pulses are incredibly versatile and make a great entree on their own. Black beans go great with burritos, chickpeas are nice spiced, and almost any bean tastes great made into a heated or cold salad with some tomato and corn. I always have frozen green peas on hand. I pour a half cup into almost every stew or curry for extra green goodness.

3. Green Veggies

Broccoli is particularly notable for being nutrient dense, containing vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, folate and vitamin K. Frozen greens are just as nutritious as their fresh counterparts. Unless you're making a salad frozen spinach is really convenient. No picking through the stems and spoiled pieces, just heat and cook!

4. Nuts and Seeds

Use in cooking, for snacking and even healthy baking. Many people are wary of nuts and seeds because of the high fat content but in moderate doses, they are full of fiber, protein, Omega-3's, vitamins and minerals. Raw almonds and walnuts are best and have been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent cancer, diabetes and they give you great hair and nails! The best seeds are sunflower and pumpkin.

5. Oats

Breakfast of champions...Not just for race horses anymore. Filled with protein, fiber, Vitamin E, thiamine, copper, magnesium, potassium, zinc and many others, oats have amazing health benefits: Reduced risk of coronary heart disease, lower cholesterol, and they keep you full for a very long time! Just don't eat the sugary packets! There are many overnight recipes that are even easier than microwaving breakfast in the morning, like Swiss Muesli.

6. Green Tea

Although all tea have antioxidants, green tea is less processed and has more flavonoids (the antioxidants). Green tea has been reported to assist weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate. Personally I find a green tea after dinner really aids digestion and curbs my "dessert response" for something sweet before bed. Green tea has also been shown to reduce gum disease, prevent kidney stones, and reduce the risk of stroke and cancer.

7. Tofu, soy and others

Packed with protein, minerals, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acid. It's known to prevent cancer, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, and ease menopausal symptoms. It also makes a great dairy alternative.

8. Orange Veggies. Carrots, Squash and Sweet Potato

Very high in beta-carotene. These antioxidants boost cell communication and strengthen the immune system. They protect the eyes from degeneration, and ward off cancer and heart disease. They also tote a ton of vitamins and minerals!

9. Yogurt

Plain, no fruity stuff, and with live bacteria. Yogurt heals the digestive tract, lowers cholesterol, boosts the immune system, clears skin and fights osteoporosis and arthritis. It's high in vitamin B6 and B12, in addition to calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium.

10. Water

Okay, not quite a superfood but it has it place. Water lubricates joints, and will keep you hydrated, which prevents energy lows and headaches. Water aids digestion by "flushing" the body. Drinking a glass of water before a meal will aid weight loss. Plus, it's a no-calorie beverage. If you'd rather eat calories, you can't get much better than zero calories!

Any and all of these superfoods can be eaten every single day! Try out at least half on this list daily and take notice of the gained energy, vitality and overall wellness you will receive within a few short weeks.

Eat Well!

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kaleena_A_Lawless